I still wouldn't mind a few more pieces to help me get everything where it needs to be. But it is a whole lot better.
I keep finding neat little "do-dad" that I have forgotten I even had. So, do I have too much stuff? I think not...I just need to have everthing in it's place, so when I need it, I can see that my options are!
My new desk is from Ikea, which matched the bookcase I had bought previously. I also purchased the shelves above the desk for a place to keep all the little trinkets so they will be close at hand. The glass jars (a steal from HomeSense) are filled with bits of ribbon, and smaller sheets of stickers. Smaller jars are from Ikea and hold all my markers. Twist open cannisters are from the dollars store and hold all the little wee things like brads and eyelets, buttons and metal embellishments.
Boxes on the top shelf hold cards ready to send and tags. Top shelf jars hold all the little do dads and trinkets.
The old sewing maching table drawers hold all my thread, needles etc.
Love, love, love my Ikea bookshelf. It holds a ton of stuff. And I love that Ikea has all the right sized boxes and organizers to keep everthing in. This stores all my loose photos, paper, various supplies, and of course magazines and books. I think I'd like to add one more of these eventually. The space on top is great for holding all the things I'm working on at present. The wire baskets are old locker baskets from the antique store.
I love the bulletin board my mama made for me. It is the kind with the criss cross ribbons and holds a kzillion and one photos. On the dresser top is an old berry picker with all the old berry baskets inside. This has been perfect for storing spools of ribbon.
So there ya go...my work space. And now that it is all tidy again, I feel like getting back at my albums!
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