White Bean Salad
This easy white bean salad is packed with fiber and perfect if you’re
trying to eat more high-protein vegetarian meals. Serve it as a side dish
or increase...
Pistachio Dessert
*This is a recipe I dug out of my collection from many years ago. I made it
(cutting small squares) for a bridal shower recently, but I thought it a
Hello Kitty Patchwork Quilt
Happy Wednesday! Today I have a recently finished quilt to share, a Hello
Kitty patchwork quilt that I made for my daughter!
I started this quilt immedi...
How to Make a Quilted Stadium Seat Cushion
Welcome friends! In this post we have a fantastic guest post tutorial by
Jessica Steele with the excellent step-by-step process to make your own
Quilted ...
caught my eye + deals 2.28.25
* this home office built from Billy bookshelves from Home on Harbor
* you may need this dryer hack if your lint catcher won't go down all the
* th...
How to Build DIY Tile Countertops
Thinking of giving your kitchen or bathroom a fresh look without spending
too much? Building your own tile countertops might be just the project for
Fiber Arts Show @ Kent Art Assoc., Kent, CT
The Kent Art Association in Kent, CT will feature a fabulous fiber arts
show from May 10 - June 1.
There will be loads of inspiration for quilters and ...
A Letter for My Mom
A letter to all of you, my mom's beloved readers and dear friends, from her
daughter Abbey:
I am heartbroken to write this. Our beloved mom, Sarah, pass...
taylored expressions - petal prints kit
Hey, everyone! There's a new kit debuting today at Taylored Expressions:
the Petal Prints Cardmaking Kit and I designed it! I hope you'll love this
Harvest Fest Collection - Day 2
Hello there! You are in for a treat with all the new products we're
introducing today for The Greetery! So many beautiful new things to work
with! Take thi...
If you are coming to my blog, the photos were all accidentally deleted. I
feel a considerable loss about this. Well wishes to you all and I hope that
if th...
Wool Egg Embroidery Tips
Here’s a new project for you that I’ve been wanting to do for such a long
time! I’m decorating wool eggs with embroidery and it’s super fun. I’m
loving h...
Christmas Books 2022!
It’s been over two years since I’ve posted here. I haven't quite felt like
I should let this space go but I also haven't quite known what to do with
it. Bl...
End of blog
This blog is now at an end. If you would like to keep up with the latest
updates on my patterns and fabric, you can find my new website here.
Medical Assistant Resume
[image: Medical-Assistant-Resume]
If you are looking for *Medical Assistant Resume * you've come to the right
place. We have 30 images about Medical Assist...
Remember Etsy Treasuries? (Read More....)
I came across some of my curated Etsy Treasuries that appeared on the Etsy
front page way back when and thought I would share. Of course all of these
cool ...
MISTI and Pinkfresh Studio blog hop and giveaway
Thanks for stopping by for a fun blog hop feature a collaboration between
two great companies -- My Sweet Petunia (MISTI) and Pinkfresh Studio. I
love PInk...
This feed has moved and will be deleted soon. Please update your
subscription now.
The publisher is using a new address for their RSS feed. Please update your
feed reader to use this new URL:
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
This Saturday is a brand new episode of “Home Sweet Home” on Food Network.
My kids are helping me shoot it, my production company in the UK is editing
it t...
New Branding and A New Moda Fabrics Family Member
Because I spend so much time on Instagram, a little less on my Facebook
page, and then write the occasional email newsletter, I tend to lag a bit
in blogg...
Road Trip Redux Quilt, a Pattern Review
I first spotted the Road Trip Redux Quilt on Instagram, and I was struck by
the design's potential to be manipulated by fabric placement. Each version
of t...
Aunt Bet's Quilt
And one last finish to record for 2019! I just sewed the last of the
binding on this one yesterday.
The pattern is Aunt Bet's Quilt, by Frankie an...
Printable holiday messages
Thank you so much to those of you who have purchased the Dresden Photo
Frame pattern from my shop. I really hope you will find it as fun and
addictive a...
Loss and closure
Summer 2019 was a whole thing.
I got quarantined by the department of public health due to possible
measles exposure and wasn't allowed to leave my house (...
A Fond Farewell
I am writing today to say farewell to blogging.
I have loved this blog.
I started *The Shabby Nest* in 2008, and it has been a source of joy, it
has prov...
Organic Applique
Hello! Its been so long since I did a blog post that I forgot my password!
However, I am back and really excited to be talking about my new book,
Organic A...
Sweet and Savory Coconut Rice
This recipe for Sweet and Savory Coconut Rice is an old-school Our Best
Bites classic that is pretty much my go-to side dish with any summery,
It's Summer
Me in March: Blogging is fun! Lots of quilting time. Kids are in school.
Making all the quilts in Wovens! Plenty of sleep. Me in April: Sewing
around the c...
Diamonds in the Outback
Happy Friday! Today I finally have photos of this finished quilt! I loved
this one from the start, but I must say, quilting has really changed it for
the b...
Lattice Quilt Top
Some quilts take many inspirations to find their way.
This is one of those.
It started with this floral and gingham yucata cotton,
a gift from Patri...
Thoughts for the New Year
When you go through really tough stuff, loss, extreme sadness or grief, you
feel like the pain is never going to stop. You can’t imagine a day where it
Exploring London During the Christmas Season
Colin and I just returned from a trip to London, which is someplace I've
always thought would be such a special place to visit during the holidays.
I reall...
Our white wood laundry room makeover
I recently completed a very necessary makeover in our basement...our teeny
tiny laundry room...and I mean tiny, the ceiling height is a cozy 6'3...
I ha...
A Little More to the Left
I've moved: please adjust your screens, your feeds, and your expectations.
Here. Under my name. (THE VANITY) (it's all basically the same. I promise.)
2017: The Dillow Year in Music
We, uhm, bought some music in 2017. Somehow more than we realized, and
definitely more than our last few years' totals. Does anyone else still buy
albums b...
Let's all support and help those affected by Hurricane Harvey. And also,
may we all remember to love on those right around us as well. Have
Homeschool Chronicles {off to School}
This has been a great year in homeschooling! Though, it feels funny to say
that because this March Aria started public school! Still honestly, both
are t...
How to max out a Lego Pick A Brick cup
I needed a few Lego 2 x 4 bricks. You know... the ones we had a ton of
growing up. But, in the hundreds? of Lego sets we have at our house, there
are very ...
Christmas Past
*Good morning everyone! I haven't been blogging for quite some time. I'm
going to get back*
*in the swing of things again, and start blogging. I really hav...
halloween bento
Before our parties and trick or treating, had to have a little fun with our
school lunches!
clementine // black + orange tortilla chips // bat shaped sa...
The Thread House patterns have launched
So today we at the The Thread House (Karen Lewis, Jo Avery and I) have
launched our first six quilt patterns which are available to buy from our
shop here....
Printable 2016 Summer Olympic Bingo!
I love the Olympics! If you do, too, you might be interested in this. It’s
a quick set of four printable Olympic bingo cards designed to be used
during the...
It's hard for me to believe that it's the end of June already. I thought
I'd stop by today and update the blog with a few pictures of the sewing
projects ...
Oh hey! Remember me?
Oh hey there fickle friends!! Remember that one time when I had a baby and
said I'll see you in just a few? Bet you didn't know I meant a few YEARS!!
😂 Ye...
Grand Rapids, Michigan | Tanger Outlet Opening
When Jessica Westra Events & Media contacted us to design and execute the
grand opening events for the new Tanger Outlet Mall in Byron Center, we
thai carrot ginger soup
I made this last night, and it's my new favorite soup. Topping it off with
fresh radish sprouts made this root puree feel fresh and springy, too. I
Happy New Year! (and new patterns!)
2016 is here, can you believe it? Happy New Year! Although I try to keep
Christmastime and the days leading up to it pretty low key in our home,
December t...
tried something new
This year we tried something new and had a tree sent to us from *Green
Valley Christmas Trees*! This was a new concept to me but I'm learning that
you can ...
ironing board cover tutorial
Hello, Friends! This tutorial is a re-post from several years ago, but I
thought I would post it again since I just made myself a new cover for my
ironing ...
Dirt in a Jar, Laundry Scientists, and Clean Water
I was recently approached about P&G’s Children’s Safe Drinking Water
Program. If I would like to try it out, and share it with my readers. You
bet I hit r...
Good Neighbors Pincushion Party
Amanda (aka Crazy Mom Quilts) was one of the first blogs I ever followed
way back when. She makes the most amazing quilts and her love of scraps is
Rhonna on Periscope! #scopeisdope #scopedope
Do you *PERISCOPE?* It's so fun…it's an app that allows LIVE streaming &
you can jump on someone's #scope to learn, interact, & shower them with
hearts! ...
Why Citizens of Textile you ask??...
Okay, Okay... let's talk Citizens of Textile. I've been asked lots of good
questions surrounding the concept, theory and business model. It's really
I've moved ....
Hey all
Sorry I've been away soooooo long...lots of life changes etc. Anyways... I
have continued on pinterest so if you'd like to see small space style
Fox and Hedgehog Pillows
I recently used my Fancy Fox and Hazel Hedgehog patterns to make some
quilted pillows for a handmade gift exchange. I made my pillows using 16" x
26" IKEA ...
Dahlia Time at Floret Flower Farm
Hello, I wanted to share a few images I took over the weekend during my
visit to Floret Flower Farm in the Skagit Valley in Washington. I had the
A farewell to orange
Dear friends, the time has come. This blog is going into retirement. I'm
packing it a suitcase stuffed with coral golf shirts, pumpkin plaid shorts,
and t...
four favorites:
*fabulous:* pencil necklace from karina jean, $120*free:* hand drawn frames
from we lived happily ever after*font:* homestead from lost type, donation
Lisbon and a Wedding
A few months ago I traveled back to Lisbon to attend my niece's wedding.
Let's say it was one of the hardest traveling experiences I have ever had.
Exercise Equipment For A Home Gym
Attending a Gym or Health Club could be a very rewarding pastime. Those
that visit the gym like to exercise and stay fit, they love that feeling of
being ...
A Thankful Celebration
Getting in the mood for Thanksgiving always sparks my love of entertaining
and ritual! To set the mood of the season I like to carry the feeling
Pumpkin Oatmeal Harvest Cookies and a Sweater
[image: pumpkin cookies with oatmeal harvest dark chocolate craisins
coconut walnuts]
I am a die-hard fall fanatic. I love living in a state where we full...
Change is Good/A New Name
After thinking a long time, I decided to change my business name to Pretty
Old Things. Still love me some roses, but the new name goes with both of
the C...
Time to Say Goodbye
[image: IMG_2406]
I've rearranged my bedroom, dining room, and living room. I've cleared out
closets and emptied drawers. I've dropped off several truck ...
Being The Mother Of A Son...
Raising a son was a completely foreign concept to me. I don't have a
brother & I whilst I had always planned on being a mother I had imagined
myself raisi...
It's Personal
We have lived in our current home for three years.
The entire time my room has sat undecorated.
I decided it was high time
to get some personal sewing done...
She is Here.
Remember when I used to update this blog? Yeah, me neither.
A lot has happened in the last few weeks. And if any of you still read my
blog who aren't my fr...
Scan and Share
I am super excited to be working with a local lifestyle show, Studio 5, and
bringing the Shoebox Challenge to photo keepers everywhere. What is Project
Weekend Sewing in Manzanita
I love sewing with friends, especially out-of-town and for an entire
The inspiration was flowing nonstop: holiday projects, a Tova blouse, a
A long time between posts .....
Actually it has been even longer that a long time between posts! At first I
felt guilty for not posting ... then after a while I almost forgot about
From The Heart - 2012 BH Lineup!
*(image courtesy of TheFancyFarmgirl.com)*
As the date gets closer to our 5th Annual Vintage & Antique Marketplace,
Joe and I have been reminiscing about ...
Signing off.....until the big reveal on Monday!
geronimo balloon troopers
Well my friends....the time has finally come!!! After months and months of
hem hawing, planning, chickening out, "back burneri...
happy new year!
I am s l o w l y getting myself back in the routine after such a nice,
refreshing break. All the Christmas stuff is put away, and I'm trying to
find homes ...
Fabulous Friday with Betz White ...
Hi! I'm Betz ... I love what I do. I spend time in my studio, designing
prints, developing new sewing and craft patterns, contributing to books and
We have MOVED to the fabulous new blog!
Hello everyone! I have just launched a brand new blog and I’d love you to
follow me there. ;-) If you are reading this post in Google Reader, make
sure ...
Hudson's Bay Ottoman
I finally got around to opening my December House and Home magazine the
other night,and fell in love with this Rustic Retreat
Love at first sight! They had...
Saying Goodbye…
Siena Marie will be born in a few months, and now that the last wedding of
2010 is completed, I’ve been busy working on the nursery. It’s pretty much
i've moved!
Thanks for dropping by! But don't miss out on the fun... I've moved to a
whole new blog filled with daily inspiration to keep you happy! Come check
it out....
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