I can't take credit for this one. I found it online. It was meant to be a "Snowman Soup". Inside you can put some hot chocolate mix, marshmallows and a tiny candy cane. Cute idea! And a great gift for children.
I think I'm going to use mine to hold homemade baking (peanut butter balls) or maybe candy...we'll see!
You need to have one of those can openers that removes the whole can top without sharp edges.
Take the top off and run it and the can through the dishwasher.

All the items I used, I had on hand.
Cut your paper to fit around the can, overlaping by an inch or so.
Decorate with ribbons and a mini card to match.
Fill it up, use a strong glue to put the top back on. Place something heavy on top overnight for a tight seal.
That's it!
Just think of the possiblities :)