Friday, December 12, 2008
Here is a pic of the set for the musical "The Christmas Post", which is being performed right now at our church. It is based on the old Norman Rockwell painting. I was lucky enough to be able to participate in the painting of the set. Several men from our church constructed it ...and did an amazing job! It is made to look like a 1940's department store...complete with revolving door! All the store windows revolve around as well so the set can be changed from inside to outside. We'll be going to see the performance this sunday...can't wait!
Meet Charlie...
I realize this has nothing to do with anything remotely creative but I thought I'd share what we are up to this weekend(amongst other things!)
We are having a very special sleepover at our house tonight! We have the bunny from work for a few days. Her name is Charlie ( thought to be a male for several years before they discovered he was a she!)
Charlie lives at the flower shop. She hops in and out of her cage at will and visits with all the customers. Her favourite place to be is right under your feet....nibbling on all the greens that drop to the floor. I've never been too fond of bunnies...all I've known have been biters...but Charlie is just the sweetest thing. The boys are having a blast with her. She certainly won't be lonely this weekend.
Magnetic Personality?
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Pin Cushion Tea Cup
Monday, December 8, 2008
Here are a couple of really simple ornaments I wanted to simple the kids could make them!
The first is made from dollar store playing cards. Just cut circles, fold them in half and stick six together...gluing the ribbon in the centre.
I made a bunch of these words to put into the tree after I saw some on Ali Edwards site. get the idea. I was just thinking how cool it would be to do a whole tree with only these simple word cards.
K guys....go make some ornaments!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Vintage Ornaments
The patina on some of them is just beautiful...colours that certainly couldn't be replicated, I'm sure!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Sully Snowmen
While 3 out of 5 of the Richmond clan were inside suffering from the stomach flu, Sully and I went outside for some FRESH AIR! And here's what we made!
We had lots of wet, heavy packing snow and before we knew it, our snowment were BIG!
I'm noticing one is leaning on a bit of an angle today....wonder if they are going to make it til Christmas?
Glass Ornaments
Been working on my Christmas ornaments!
The boys found me working on these one day and decided they wanted to play too. So everyone made a variety for our tree, and to give away this Christmas. Theirs were full of snow and beads and snowflakes and just about anything they could fit in there! I'll have to post some of theirs....or maybe you'll be one of the lucky receivers! LOL
It's hard to see in this pic, but inside the glass ball are curled up pieces of coordinating papers. A little time consuming, but I love the look. On the outside I used rub ons, which were a bit tricky....a flat rub on...a rounded surface!
I saw the idea for these on the 2 peas in a bucket site: http://
And some cute monogrammed ornaments from Ali Edwards site: http://
I hope you are all having fun creating for Christmas! Give these a shot...quick and easy fun.